Information security teams are faced with the challenge of protecting critical enterprise data – such as corporate financial, credit card, personal identity, personal health, and intellectual property information – from both insiders and outsiders. Additionally, businesses are always faced with the challenges of physical security and monitoring of the workplace.
Data SecurityDoctrino Systems' database-independent technology enables your organization to enforce corporate security policies and prevent unauthorized or suspicious access to sensitive data.
IP Based SecurityWe have flexible and scalable solutions for professional video surveillance and remote monitoring. Our security and surveillance solutions are designed specifically for the banking and finance, education, government, healthcare, industrial, retail, telecommunication, and transportation industries.
We specialize in the following areas:
* Server Backups
* Data Security
* IP Based Security
* Security Camera Installation
* Online Camera Management & Video Access.
ليتك تحلو والحياة مريره وليتك ترضى والانام غضاب
وليت الذى بينى وبينك عامر وبينى وبين العالمين خراب
إذا صحّ منك الود فالكل هيّن وكل الذى فوق التراب تراب
اللهم ارحم موتانا وموتى جميع المسلمين
اللهم أنزل على قبورهم الضياء والنور والفسحة والسرور وجازهم بالاحسان إحسان وبالسيئات عفوا وغفرانا